My Story
Born in Ann Arbor, Michigan in 1948, from an early age I had a deep interest in Native American culture. I began to meet Indian people, first in Michigan and the Mid-West, and later, at the age of twelve, I began traveling in Oklahoma to live for periods of time with Indian families. I received a unique world-view from these people that has strongly influenced my life and art ever since.
In the early ‘70’s, I began working with natural phenomena and searching for new ways to talk about landscape. This search ultimately led me to my current work with wind- and water-activated sound structures, and to the specific, environmental dynamics of sites. This series of wind-activated, ‘sonic architecture’ works have continued to evolve over several years.
The early 80’s were a pivotal period for me, primarily because of the major permanent commission of A SOUND GARDEN for the N.O.A.A. in Seattle, Washington. Throughout the 90’s I have gone on to complete many large-scale projects in Seattle, Portland, Houston, Council Bluffs, and Arlington to name a few.
I continue to make places that have an oasis-like quality, where people can pause to catch their spiritual breath in the midst of their everyday lives.
I have been enjoying William Farley’s films since the mid-seventies and occasionally lending a hand to help him with his work. As we know, most creative endeavors are a collaborative effort. “I wanted to be a man with a gun” is my first film project as a Producer.